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E-Mail: PowersFilmsInfo@gmail.com
Spinrock Music Video: Dream
Piazza Alta
https://vimeo.com/735867247 Leading up to this project, we wanted to pre-visualize (or test) a close-up shot of the rider, on the Vespa scooter. The honorable Graham Nolte was both the director and the lynchpin that built the team to make this ad possible. So, we setup some test shots. To simulate the composition and framing we…
Oil Cleanup: New Thinking
Dunk League
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9Xso8U2XzI This season of Dunk League had a very aggressive shooting schedule, but it was a challenge we accepted and had a lot of fun doing so in the process. Our team filmed the entire season over the course of about three days, with one day to prep and rig our lights. I was fortunate…
Love Stain
https://vimeo.com/604509234 Directed by Alex Reinhard Cinematography by James Powers Credit: LeMaire Lee Kevin Towell Hayley Ellison Crew: Producer: Max Morgan Gaffer: Joe Grasso Sound: Max Morgan AC: Robert Graves PA: Matt LaRose Consultant: "Lotits"