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Piazza Alta Leading up to this project, we wanted to pre-visualize (or test) a close-up shot of the rider, on the Vespa scooter. The honorable Graham Nolte was both the director and the lynchpin that built the team to make this ad possible. So, we setup some test shots. To simulate the composition and framing we used a walker (for older folks) as the handle bars for the Vespa scooter, and then we played with a few camera-frame rate settings. The camera settings that had a faster shutter, and lower frame-rate, made it feel like the scooter/walker was moving faster -- which is good! Ultimately, we…

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Dunk League This season of Dunk League had a very aggressive shooting schedule, but it was a challenge we accepted and had a lot of fun doing so in the process. Our team filmed the entire season over the course of about three days, with one day to prep and rig our lights. I was fortunate enough to work as the DP for season three, and I could not have done it without the incredible team we had to help pull this project off! Here are some BTS shots of the project. Quick video clip of our "A Cam" on the Bolt Robot Arm, owned and…

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