Recently, I filmed a small series of spots for Pack Rat, along with the help of my talented friends, Adam Hribar & Tom Carson (info to their work below):

Adam: Tom:

For most of the interview segments, we used a fairly simple technique of using silk to soften the light, and a bounce card to return ambient light

By modifying natural light with a 6×6 frame of Magic Cloth, and filling from the shadow side with an Aputure 300Dii (with an egg crate), we were able to achieve a natural-looking image for this project.

An unorthodox approached was used in grabbing the family “portrait” clips.

Here, I rode an electric skateboard (it’s the OneWheel XR), while using a Sony FS7 paired with an EasyRig Vest to stabilize the footage.

Shooting with a relatively wide 28mm lens was helpful, as it was easier to keep most of the environment in focus.

Sony FS7 + EasRig on the OneWheel XR